Functions of Edge Computing

Edge computing can support a variety of functions and services tailoredto the specific needs of applications and industries. Some examples include:

  1. Local communication: Edge computing enables communication and collaboration between devices within the same local network. This allows coordination and data sharing, which is beneficial for distributed applications and IoT ecosystems.

  2. Distributed databases and storage: Data can be locally stored and managed on edge devices. This enables faster access to data and better resilience against network failures and outages.

  3. Control and automation: Edge computing facilitates control and automation of devices and systems deployed at the edge of the network. This includes monitoring and managing equipment and orchestrating workflows and processes autonomously or based on predefined rules and policies.

  4. Data filtering and preprocessing: Raw data collected from sensors and devices can be filtered or preprocessed at the edge before being transmitted to the cloud. This helps reduce the volume of data transferred over the network and ensures that only relevant information is sent for further usage.

  5. Analytics: Edge computing can perform basic analytics to derive insights from data collected at the edge. Integration of AI plays a crucial role in enabling this functionality.

  6. Security and access control: Implementation of security mechanisms and access controls, such as encryption and authentication, can be done at the edge in order to protect sensitive data and resources from unauthorized access.



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